Wednesday, September 10, 2014


 Dear Family and Friends,
We want to let you know that we're embarking on another in-depth adventure... departing Thursday, September 18th for a month.

We begin in Aachen, Germany, where we'll stay with our dear friends Heidi and Frank Harling, whom we know from Scarsdale many years ago.  Then we go to Vienna, Austria.  From there it's off to Cracow and Warsaw, Poland.  And finally we end in Berlin, Germany.

In years past we kept hand-written notes of our trips, just for ourselves.  We could always flip through the pages manually for information on the hotels we stayed at, the restaurants we dined in, and what we did, whenever we wanted to reminisce and savor the experiences again.

Now we're Blogging...that's the 21st Century upgrade to our old-fashioned journals.  Virtual makes it's sharable, allowing you to travel with us vicariously.  So we invite you to peek in as often as you want, and tag right along... however, at your own risk.  Remember, it's not prose we're writing, but streams of consciousness about our own personal experiences and impressions, with some historical background, and of course lots of pictures.

Here's the URL address: 
(just paste it into your browser and make it a Favorite).
Each day's post is titled on the right in the Blog Archive list, from oldest to most recent.  To navigate just tap on the day's Title and the Blog will take you there.

If you want to comment on anything, please do...we'd love to hear from you.  
But please don't go through the Blog, just send an email to

Happy's our best medicine!

Jill and Marty

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